
Hye Ju Park- CEO

1. Please tell me a little about your background.
인테리어 디자이너, 그리고 빈티지 딜러, 두아이의 엄마, 아티스트의 아내

2. What gives you creative inspiration
고양이, 식물 키우기, 술

3. Currently, your favorite reading material / movie / song
일의 기본, 생활의 기본 100 /마쓰우라 야타로

4. What would your perfect day be like?
하루종일 아무 생각 없이 농사 지을 수 있는 시간이 주어진다면

5. Tell us about a challenge you faced but eventually overcame?
하루를 살아 나간다는 것

6. I can eat (drink)________
alcohol ________ everyday.

7. If you can go anywhere right now, where would you go and with who?
가족들이랑 핀란드

8. Your proudest accomplishment?

아이들 그리고 GUVS.

9. Given the chance, you would go to the past or future? Future   What point in the past or future and why?
The day without COVID-19.

10. If you can sit on one chair all day, what would it be?
Eero Sarrinen’s Womb chair